Tuesday, August 01, 2006

First post

Dear all, friends, foes, countrymen and emigres,

As a beginning I would like to open with my mission statement: I am writing this because I currently have a lot of time on my hands and all of my friends are far away. So, instead of holding these conversations in my own head, I have decided to share them in cyberspace, or whatever this virtual thing is called nowadays (perhaps a title for my second post - is 'cyberspace' an obsolete term?).

These will consist of my personal musings on the world and opinions about a number of things, which may all be very useful and pertinent to everyone's life. In fact, one day, people will come here to read my views instead of going to school, and my views will change the world.

As the title suggests, I have no qualifications for these needless pontifications, and am pretty proud of it. In short, I have nothing to declare, but my unfounded brazen arrogance.


Richard Valtr
Governing Chairman of the Eastern/Central European Dilettante Committee

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